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Merk Ang (Squid Grill)



- Squid
- Chivansouy and sloekkhtoem (Little cut)
- Chili
- Peppers, leeks, garlic, collision it all
- Wedge
- Ginger
- Msaowsaoub salt, fish sauce and palm sugar.


- The first is to wash fresh squid lubrication and bone will clean up its belly
- Remove the leeks, garlic, ginger and chilli hit powder and stained with squid
- And put msaowsaoub salt, fish sauce and palm sugar with fermented squid meat take half an hour, then plug satay using small fire
It's enough already cooked them.
+ Sauce
- Chili, garlic, leeks, lemon sauce msaowsaoub Parsley sloekkhtoem and peppers mixed into each other and taste enough to have a slightly spicy and taste chour eim or not that you like.